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Chahine Edgar (31 10.1874 Vienna-18.3.1947, Paris) an artist. He studied in Lyceum Mourad Rafealian (1890- 1892), from 1893 attended Académie Julian in Paris. From 1896 Chahine exhibited his works (such as «The beggar» (1896), «A corner in a street» (1897), «The homeless» (1899), etc.) at «salons». He attained his fame by his engravings in 1899. Chahine earned a golden medal at the Universal Exhibition in Paris, 1900. He became member of Royal Society of Arts in London, Union of Engravers and National Society of Italian Fine Art in Rome. In 1901 he participated in Venice Biennale. His 20 engravings earned a golden medal at the Universal Exhibition in Venice in 1903. Then French government awarded him the Légion d'Honneur. See more.
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