Meeting in YSU in the frames of the program  "Pages of history and culture"

In February 22 the advanced staff of the Academic Council of YSU hosted Minister of Defense of RA Seyran Ohanyan and Minister of Education Armen Ashotyan.

"The guarantee of the existence of the state is first of all armed forces. During last year the cooperation is especially active with the Ministry of Defense. We clearly understand how important is the military patriotism from the point of view of education", - said YSU rector Aram Simonyan in his greeting speech.
YSU rector and the Ministers highlighted in their speech two aspects - the importance of the active cooperation of education and protection as the guarantee of the protection and security of the state.
"No matter how armies are armed, the helm of it is the man. So we must work with those people beforehand, who will bring intellectual and scientific potential to the army in the future. Today Azerbaijan is trying to plunge us into the race of the armaments. Although we have military, technical achievements, fighting spirit and qualitative criteria are more important for us. Victorious armistice still retains, but we haven’t reached the final peace yet. In such conditions this meeting is very important for our protection", - mentioned in his speech Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan.
The minister reminded that YSU has had his role in Artsakh war, where educated people became leaders and now occupy high positions in the Armed forces. There were also Universitarians, who sacrificed their lives and are now bright example for today’s youth.
"Church, armed forces, education and culture: I think these are four important spheres on which we must formulate our future based on our past. Education is an important component of the internal security. And it is not accidental the more intensive cooperation between these two spheres - education and protection", - said Armen Ashotyan, Minister of Education and Science.
During this meeting in the frames of the 19th anniversary of the formation of Armenian Army minister Seyran Ohanyan spoke about the sources of the Armenian Army: how we can quickly reform our army after the forced war, how we can achieve success due to although small, but skilled and operational activities with appropriate military knowledge, so that Azerbaijan himself asked for armistice.
After the speeches the students and lecturers asked questions to the ministers which mainly referred to the right of extension as well as the situation in the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan. At the end of the meeting Minister of Defense of RA Seyran Ohanyan rewarded the most active lecturers who took part in the project of visiting military units in the frames of the cooperation of YSU and MD. YSU in his turn rewarded those representatives of the Ministry, who has had a significant contribution to the strengthening and developing of the cooperation of the two organizations.