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    On April 22, 2015 the presentation of the book “Death in the Desert: the Armenian Genocide” by German prominent  armenologist, Director of House of Johannes Lepsius Rolf Hosfeld, took place in YSU Institute for Armenian Studies in the frames of the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. The presentation was attended by the deans of different YSU faculties, representatives of teaching staff, the students of Master’s program “Genocide Studies” and “Armenian Studies” and others. The presentation was unique as the author of the book,Rolf Hosfeld and the translator, Evelina Makaryan, who also works in IAS Department of Genocide Studies were also present.  

    IAS Deputy Director Mher Hovhannisyan greeted those presents, thanked the author of the book for the acceptance of the offer to attend the presentation and for the cooperation with IAS. M. Hovhannisyan noted that the Armenian version of the book would be ready by the end of the year by the efforts of YSU Publishing House and the Department of the Genocide Studies. Then, the professor of the YSU faculty of History, Senior Researcher of IAS Department of Genocide Studies Ashot Hayruni spoke about the academic activities of Rolf Hosfeld. 

    He particularly noticed that the book “Death in the Desert: the Armenian Genocide” is the second voluminous book of Rolf Hosfeld dedicated to the Armenian Genocide after “Operation Nemesis” which was published 10 years ago. 

   Having been the Director of House of Johannes Lepsius since 2011, Rolf Hosfeld greatly contributed to the development of the Armenian Genocide Studies as well as to the Armenian Studies generally. House of Lepsius is an important institution for the Armenian-German academic-cultural relations and for representing the position of Armenia in Germany and in other European countries”, -noted Ashot Hayruni. 

  Rolf Hosfeld in his turn thanked for the invitation and noticed, “I am glad that YSU Publishing House expressed willingness to translate and publish the book that quickly. I will be happy if the book would be represented at the Frankfurt International Book Fair in autumn”. 

   The book consists of 10 chapters that describe in detail the prehistory of the Armenian Genocide, its planning and perpetration by the Turkish ruling regime. A systematic extermination of an entire people is represented in the book. The five chapters touch upon the formation of the organization “Teshkilat-i Mahsusa”, the arrest and annihilation of the Armenian intellectuals, as well as the deportation and extermination of the Armenian people. Afterwards, he represents the trials of 1919-1920 against those responsible for the genocide and finishes the book with the representation of the trial of Soghomon Tehlirian. 

   According to the author the book "Death in the Desert: the Armenian Genocide", that was published in February, 2015 was actively discussed in German Mass media and press. This year German media showed a great interest in the Armenian Genocide and the Armenian Issue. Hosfeld also spoke about the importance and necessity of the adoption of a new resolution on Genocide in German Bundestag. 

  “The recognition and acceptance of the Genocide by Germany can play a significant role in activating the international recognition process of the Armenian Genocide. Being one of the most powerful states in Europe and the former ally of the Ottoman Empire, Germany can become a motive force for other Great Powers”,-said Rolf Hosfeld.

 Then Mher Hovhhanisyan suggested Rolf Hosfeld to deliver lectures in Master’s program “Genocide Studies” and “Armenian Studies” of YSU Institute for Armenian Studies as well as in the faculties of History, International relations and other faculties. At the end of the presentation an active discussion took place between the speakers and the guests. 

