On March 14, 2016, a conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the late historian Babken Harutyunyan was held at the Faculty of History of Yerevan State University. YSU Rector, Aram Simonyan delivered his opening speech: “Over the past 15 years, three of the four heads of the Faculty of History passed away nearly at the same age. Their death was a great loss for the Faculty. Harutyunyan died in the most fruitful period of his academic life. Unlike his colleagues, he was a very witty personality and always steady in his views and principles. Harutyunyan received his education in four years, which is quite remarkable; not being satisfied with one profession, he also graduated from the Faculty of Law. B. Harutyunyan left a significant historical heritage”.

The secretary of the division for Armenian Studies and Social Sciences of the NAS RA, Yuri Suvaryan greeted YSU Rectorate and heads of the Faculty of History and highly appreciated the academic activities of Babken Harutyunyan. Ashot Melkonyan from NAS RA noted that B. Harutyunyan was an expert not only of medieval, but the whole Armenian history from the beginning.

Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Hayk Demoyan emphasized that he is proud to be the student of Babken Harutyunyan. "Being a student of Babken Harutyunyan means to pass through a huge school," - said Demoyan. Then Arman Yeghiazaryan, who carefully studied the life and work of Harutyunyan delivered his report. He presented Harutyunyan’s historical and geographical works. Later Artak Movsisyan, Gegham Badalyan and others delivered their reports.