Recently many armenological books have been published by YSU


The presentation of 11 new books took place yesterday on April 20 in the scientific council hall of YSU. The books, the list of which you can see in our previous news informing about this event, have been published by the publishing house of YSU during the last year.

"These books cover a common subject - genocide, Armenian-Turkish relations, economic, social, cultural situation of Western Armenians. These are the extensive works of the Armenian authors devoted to the history of the Ottoman Empire",- said YSU rector Aram Simonyan greeting the presents and adding that in recent years in the center of YSU attention is especially the publication of the books referring to the history of Armenia. 
<<I would like to observe this event from two angles. The first is that tomorrow is the international day of book and the publication of these books by YSU is symbolic. The second, of course, is that from a few days the 96th year of the Genocide is completing",- said the head of Writers’ union of RA Levon Ananyan. He marked out the book of the Spanish writer H. Guarch "The Armenian testament", which was the second book of the three books of the writer about the Genocide. 
In the presentation of the first book "The Armenian family tree" which took place in 2003 the author was in Armenia and visited Tsitsernakaberd. This time he sent a letter, in which he said that the more he went deeper in the history of the Genocide, the more responsibility he felt. He mentioned in his letter that he was impressed by the records of US ambassador in Constantinople Henry Morgenthau in 1913-1916 and urged the Armenians to be unified and have the belief that the world will finally recognize the greatest crime happened in the beginning of the 20th century. 
The presents, expressing their gratitude towards the Armenian authors and speaking about the importance of their work, emphasized that in the activity directed to the international recognition of the Genocide we must pay great attention to the works of foreign authors on this subject. The latter are numerous and are mainly in German.

We would like to mention that during 2010 28 million dram has been given to the publishing work. 200 books have been published, 120 of which cover the topic of Armenian Studies.