"Armenian Republic-Diaspora cooperation. Yesterday, today and tomorrow"


From  September 5 to  September 7 on the initiative of RA Ministry of Diaspora, Haigazian University and Yerevan State University took place three day conference on "Armenian Republic-Diaspora collaboration. Yesterday, today and tomorrow" in Lebanon (the capital of Beirut). During the conference the speakers spoke about the Armenian Republic - Diaspora cooperation in the last 20 years, as well as about the necessity of the development of the cooperation in current conditions.


In the introductory session of the conference RA minister of Diaspora Affaires Hranush Hakobyan represented the issues in state politics of RA-Diaspora cooperation development, the president of Haigazian University Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian spoke about the perspectives of this educational cooperation. YSU rector NAS RA Associate member Aram Simonyan spoke on the necessity of the development of armenological cooperation between Armenia and Diaspora and about the issues and perspectives existing in that sphere. He spoke about the main directions of armenology, which should be in the core of attention.

"The solution of the main issues of armenology comes from the interest of our statehood, from the interests of the all Armenians. That is why it is necessary to set up an armenological  fund, which will coordinate the work of the armenologists and armenological institutes in the world, and which will publish a review (which will be translated into foreign languages)",- mentioned Aram Simonyan.

During the conference the head of the Department of Virtual Armenology and Information of IAS of YSU, Doctor of History, associate professor Mher Hovhannisyan presented his report "The problem of presentation of armenology on the Internet in the context of RA-Diaspora scientific-educational cooperation".

"In the context of Armenia-Diaspora scientific-educational cooperation armenology has its unique place. Nowadays the development of armenology, the productive and available presentation of its values are important. The Internet helps here. It is a new page for the challenges of armenology. It contributes both to the presentation of armenological values to the society and to the misrepresentation of these values. The fact that nowadays new pro-Armenian sites are added which scientifically present some issues of armenology especially, issues of Armenian genocide and Karabakh conflict both in RA, in NKR and in Diaspora is commendable",- mentioned M. Hovhannisyan.

During the conference they spoke about Armenian press in Diaspora, about the problems of the Armenian literature of Lebanon, the role of the scientific-educational organizations, which deal with Diaspora, as well as about the problems of the identity of the Armenians in Diaspora and Armenians in Armenia.

The conference ended with discussion and with the ceremony of giving souvenirs.