<<The security of Armenia in the context of regional processes>>


On June 4 2012 in the Session hall of YSU Academic council took place symposium <<The security of Armenia in the context of regional processes>> organized by the department of Strategy Research of YSU Institute for Armenian Studies. YSU rector, head of the Institute for Armenian Studies Aram Simonyan and Academic secretary of Military Institute after V. Sargsyan of RA Minstry of Defence Ashot Melkonyan greeted those present.

<<Nowadays geopolitical processes take place in the world, which somehow have some impact  on future of the region. We should define our position in the world political processes. That is why such kind of symposiums are very essential, as  they contribute to the formation of predictions on current processes from the point of national security. In recent years some researches have been made in this field >>, - mentioned YSU rector Aram Simonyan. He also added that the field of politology is complicated, as any mistake made in that field has its influence on the society. YSU rector also mentioned that YSU tends to make professional politologists.

Ashot Melkonyan greeted this initiative.

<< Last 20 years were transitive for Armenia. We had to gain knowledge in all spheres. But now we have professional sphere of military education. The theme of the symposium is actual, as after international unipolar danger during USSR period, now there are multipolar dangers. Nowadays we have to orientate in the global flow of information. In the field of military education we have many things to do>>, - mentioned Ashot Melkonyan.

During the symposium the first report delivered Ara Marjanyan (senior expert of  Centre for the Political Studies of Noravank foundation). The topic of the report was <<Nuclear Turkey>>.  During the symposium psychlogist Karine Nalchajyan,  deputy chief of the Institute for National and Strategic Studies of RA Ministry of Defence Beniamin Poghosyan,  head of  chair Politology of Armenian State Pedagogical University Levon Shirinyan, reaserch workers of the Institute of Oriental Studies of NAS RA Mher Baghdasaryan, Levon Hovsepyan, research workers of the department of Strategic Research of YSU Institute for Armenian Studies Vahram Mirakyan and Davit Jamalyan, politologist Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan, military expert Artsrun  Hovhannisyan, students from YSU faculties of  Sociology, Psychology and students from Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) university delivered their reports.