Round table on “The Impact of television on crime rate increase” was organized by the Institute for Armenian Studies and NAS RA “National Bureau of Expertises” State Non Profit Organization on September 28. Taking into consideration[end] the local and the international experience the participants spoke about the role of television in the life of society, which is often underestimated.  Anyhow, according to experts,  nowadays television greatly affects the system of values and behavior of citizens. 

“This issue is very urgent for us, especially after the independence of RA.  It’s a national problem. We should be able to represent national values on TV. I hope that this discussion organized by IAS and NAS RA “National Bureau of Expertises” will have its continuation”, said the Deputy Director of  IAS Mher Hovhannisyan. 

The head of NAS RA “National Bureau of Expertises” Artashes Javadyan said that apart from different investigations their centre also focuses on  the problem of the impact of television on the society.  “In most cases our society is not simply aware that the production offered by television has a great impact on it. One should understand the possible consequences of the aggression”

The criminologist of Scientific Research Center of Practical Problems in Criminology of the National Bureau of Expertises Astghik Serobyan in her report on “The role and significance of television in the life of population of RA” represented the results of the survey conducted by the Centre: what our citizens mostly watch  and what is their attitude towards Armenian TV programs.

“The survey was conducted among 998 people both in regions and in Yerevan. 79 per cent of population of RA watches TV. To the question what they don’t like on TV, people answered that there are too many serials, advertisements and the lack of literary speech”-said Astghik Serobyan. 

The psychologist of the above mentioned Centre Yeremia Asatryan spoke about the impact of Armenian serials in his report on “The propaganda of violence through Armenian TV” and represented the results of their surveys. He also spoke about the impact of criminal life and scene of  violence in serials. 

<<It is interesting, though 45 % of the population watches serials they always mention their affects.  Hence, people watch serials, but don’t have positive attitude towards them>>.

Participants of the query mention that they would like to watch informative and educational TV programs>>,-said Yeremia Asatryan. He said that TV has a certain impact on the increase of crimes. It forms system of values of the young generation.

The last report was delivered by researcher of the Department of Strategic Studies of YSU Institute for Armenian Studies Vahram Mirakyan. His report was on <<Foreign studies on the connection of  TV and crime>>.

<<TV is one of the main factors that leads to aggression. Aggression shown on TV is a  means to achieve certain goals. Naturally, aggression on TV has its affects on the increase of crimes. Surely, crimes have always existed long before TV. But, nowadays TV, certainly, is one of the main factors of the increase of aggression>>,-mentioned Vahram Mirakyan.

He also added that, legislative field is always under the pressure in those the countries, where media- corporations are powerful. 

Participants of the discussion expressed hope that such kind of activities will be continuous, and there will be a progress in the field of legislation and in the process of defining necessary criteria.