Mher Hovhannisyan and Sergey Sayadov during the presentation of Armenological literatureThe Center for Armenian Studies will be opened in Rostov-on-Don according to the agreement between YSU Institute for Armenian Studies, «The Armenian Community Nakhijevan-on-Don»  and Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. The Center is in the auditorium at the office of the Armenian community. The executive director of «The Armenian Community Nakhijevan-on-Don» Sergey Sayadov carries out the duties of the head of the Center.

Sergey Sayadov, Artak Movsisyan, Mher Hovhannisyan

«Our aim was to open a center, which would be closely connected with YSU Institute for Armenian Studies, the local community and other scientific educational institutions. The Center for Armenian Studies will fulfill two main functions scientific and educational. In the field of education training of the specialists will be held. We will also try to involve the youth in the activities of the Center with the prospect of getting education in Armenia, etc. In the frames of scientific activities research will be conducted on Armenology, as well as on the Armenian-Russian relations», - said YSU IAS deputy director Mher Hovhannsiyan.

Levon Batiev, Artak Movsisyan, Mher Hovhannisyan, Sergey SayadovHe noted, that the Center was founded with the efforts of the president of «The Armenian Community of Nakhijevan-on-Don» Artyom Surmalyan, executive director Sergey Sayadov, head of Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Matishov, as well as deputy director of the Institute of Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research Levon Batiev.

During Hovhannisyan’s previous visit to Rostov-on-Don an agreement of cooperationAgreement on the establishment of the Center for Armenian Studies signed by the head of the Southern Scientific Center Gennady Matishov was worked out between YSU and Southern Scientific Center, which gave an opportunity to open scientific educational center. This year another agreement was worked out with the community. As a result, tripartite agreement of cooperation was worked out. Mher Hovhannisyan also noted that the executive director of  «The Armenian Community of Nakhijevan-on-Don» Sergey Sayadov will visit Armenia for the discussion of further activities of the Center.

Agreement on the establishment of the Center for Armenian Studies signed by head of  «The Armenian Community of Nakhijevan-on-Don» Artyom SurmalyanIn the frames of his visit the presentation of the web-site will take place in YSU. The web-site is the largest armenological on-line encyclopedia in Russian. YSU Institute for Armenian Studies gives  much attention to  the cooperation with external audience. According to the deputy director of YSU IAS Mher Hovhannisyan the Institute aims  to support the armenological institutions in abroad,  as well as to contribute to the foundation of armenological centers in Armenian communities.