On the initiative of YSU Institute for Armenian Studies there was a meeting with the executive director of «The Armenian Community Nakhijevan-on-Don», head of the Center for Armenian Studies, founder and chairman of «Fondhayazg» nongovernmental organization Sergey  Sayadov.  The latter had a meeting with YSUPresentation of www.hayazg.info rector, director of the Institute for Armenian Studies Aram Simonyan and deputy director of the Institute Mher Hovhannisyan. During the meeting the main issues of the Center for Armenian Studies in Rostov-on-Don were discussed.

After the meeting Sergey Sayadov  presented the largest armenological on-line encyclopedia in Russian www.hayazg.info, the latter is the founder of the web-site.

«If we compare www.hayazg.info with well-known Wikipedia encyclopedia, we should note that unlike the latter, www.hayazg.info doesn't use the function of free editing in order to escape the possible disinformation», said Sergey Sayadov

Sergey Sayadov is the only editor of the web-site. According to him both Armenian and foreign users always send him interesting information from different countries of the world.

Meeting with YSU rector, IAS director Aram Simonyan and IAS deputy director Mher HovhannsiyanRA Deputy Minsiter of Diaspora David Karapetyan was also present during the presentation of the web-site. He informed about the decision on the support to www.hayazg.info project by the Ministry. YSU Deputy Director Mher Hovhannisyan in his turn informed about the decision of YSU rector, that the project would be supported at the expense of  technical and vocational  resources.

Sayadov also noted that during the last negotiations between RA Ministry of Diaspora and YSU IAS there was an agreement on making the English and Turkish versions of www.hayazg.info.

Hayazg.info on-line encyclopedia is periodically updated. According to the statistics of 2013  it has 25.000 visitors a week. The visitors are from Russia (58%), Armenia (22%), Ukraine (7%), as well as USA, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany, France, Israel, Turkey, Azerbaijan.

The web-site is first of all addressed to the Armenian communities in Russia and CIS, as well as to those interested in the history and culture of Armenian nation.

The sponsor of ru.hayazg.info is «Fondhayazg» cultural and educational nongovernmental organization.