The problems and acquisitions in the sphere of Armenology, corruption risks, the problem of the necessity of young cadres in some faculties, the improvement of the credit system and the elections of the rector- these are the topics about which spoke YSU rector Aram Simonyan in January 24 during the meeting with journalists. 
Indicating that in the present conditions the role of Armenology is very important for us Aram Simonyan marked out especially the problem of the absence of the Institute of Caucasian studies in this field.
"From 2012 in the faculty of history of YSU experts of Caucasian studies will be trained, who will master Georgian, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Persian, Old Armenian, Kypchak languages, old and new Greek",- said Aram Simonyan. He informed that at present three students are specializing in the field of Ottoman studies with a special program at the University of Saint Petersburg. It is important as the documents in the Turkish archives are mainly in Ottoman. There is also literature of Kypchak with Armenian letters (kypchak people are the predecessors of Kazakhs), which is necessary to translate.
Mr. Simonyan spoke about the problem of corruption.
"In order to reduce corruption risks in Alma Mater a constant anti-corruption committee has been created, the members of which are not only collaborators, but also the representatives of student organization".
"Besides it is over ten years, that anonymous queries are being held which are quite effective", - said the rector.
In his opinion the more open the work of the university is, the more the possibilities of corruption will decrease. For that reason the examination process at the university is transparent: any student of the university can be present. Speaking about the problems of the university Aram Simonyan mentioned the lack of young cadres in several faculties, such as geography, geology, philology and others.
Referring to the upcoming elections of rector after May 29th Aram Simonyan mentioned that he would think about it later, and at present he is busy with his work.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      In 2010 YSU is participating in the works of the concept of Armenological and strategic development created by the council of the government of RA studying armenological affairs.
Certain theses of the anti-corruption program of the Ministry of Education established by the government of RA are based on the priorities represented by Alma Mater.