During the plenary session of Second International Congress on Armenian Studies «Armenian Studies and the Challenges of Modern Times» the issues of the Armenian identity were discussed along with the themes referring to the Armenian history, archeology ethnography, genocide, art and architecture. In the context of ongoing global processes the preservation of identity becomes an urgent issue for nations. The reporters from Armenia and Diaspora tried to reveal the components of Armenian identity and how Armenians can preserve it in Armenia and abroad.  The representative of  “the Armenian community of Nor Nakhichevan” Rostov-on-Don Levon Bariev in his report “The Armenians of South Russia. The Formation of Diaspora and Ethno-national Identity” noted that the most important factors for preservation of national identity is united existence. “This is the reason why, for example, the Armenians of Don could preserve their ethnic character”- noted L. Batiev. Each of the reporters presented his/her point of view concerning this issue. According to the reporters the means of preservation of national identity: language, culture, family, national cuisine can vary from country to country.  For example, if the preservation of the Armenian language is not a problem for the Armenian community in Lebanon, but it is a big problem for those representatives of Armenian communities who settled in Russia long before. The problem of identity was discussed from semantic, cultural, political, psychological and other aspects. All the theses of the reports were published in one collection.


See more: Second International Congress on Armenian Studies "Armenian Studies and the Challenges of Modern Times".