The magazine «Russian Reporter» published a reportage in November, where the author Shura Burtin represents his interview with Azerbaijani writer Akram Aylisli and his trip to Baku and village Aylisli.

Speaking about the novel «Stone dreams» by Aylisli and about the caused stir, the author tells about the events before the publication of the novel, he gives the historical background of the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, Karabakh conflict. The author ofTurkey, near the border of Armenia. Children are playing football in the church yard. the article notes that when  the government of Azerbaijan  made Ramil Safarov a hero in 2012, famous Azerbaijani writer Akram Aylisli  published his «Stone dreams», which is on the massacres of the Armenians in winter in Baku. Journalist Shura Burtin draws parallels how Azerbaijani society  accepts  Akram Aylisli and Ramil Safarov, and its attitude towards Akram Aylisli  and Ramil Safarov. To the author’s surprise the Azerbaijani speaks about Ramil Safarov with excitement. But the author of the article mentions «The resident of Baku is not bloodthirsty, simply no one believes that Safarov killed the sleeping Armenian officer with an axe without reasons. According to Azerbaijani official source the Armenian officer insulted Ramil, cleaned his shoes with Azerbaijani flag, spat on it». Shara Buritn notices that the Azerbaijani society  was under the ideological pressure  of the Government, which falsifies the historical facts. According to the author, ideological pressure is everywhere in this country.  The journalist mentions that videos about Heydar Aliyev are shown even in the airplane.

In this article Shura Burtin tells about his trip to village Aylis as well.  The author expresses his admiration towards the Armenian churches, which are destroyed under the  patronship of the state. «Azerbaijan denies the fact of destroying the monuments. during  last eight years the  foreign journalists,  representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,  deputies of the European Parliament, and even the ambassador of USA are banned  to visit Nakhichevan», mentions the journalist.

In the village Aylis the Russian journalist was arrested by National security of Azerbaijan, which, during the questioning, tried to find out, whether the journalist was an Armenian spy or not.  Meanwhile the journalist simply tried to find out the reasons of Azerbaijani aggression and came to  conclusion that the Azerbaijani society is  a victim of Azerbaijani propaganda.


See the article in Russian: «Топором и пером: Почему чтобы быть совестью нации надо стать врагом народа», Шура Буртин, 12 ноября 2013, № 45 /: «With  axe and pen. In order to become the conscience of the nation, sometimes it is necessary to become the  enemy of the nation», Shura Burtin, November 12, 2013, № 45/.