On November 22, a conference took place in YSU on the life and literary works of Nizami Gyanjavi. The theme is urgent because Azerbaijan appropriates the cultural properties of other nations and represents these cultural properties to the world as its own. From the Soviet period  the political frames of Azerbaijan introduce Nizami Gyanjavi as Azerbaijani poet.  This fact is used for political and ideological aims.

«Great cultural properties are universal; anyhow justice requires the determination of the origin of a man. Nizami Gyanjavi is one of the talented representatives of Persian poetry, whose works have nothing in common with Azerbaijan»,-mentioned Aram Simonyan. He offered to send a letter of protest to UNESCO, who turns a blind eye to these cultural falsifications, because of petrodollars.

The dean of YSU Faculty of Philology Artsrun Minasyan noted in his speech that «little Turkey» is guided by the slogan «everything that is not under the control, belongs to us».

The representative of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran in Armenia Ibrahim Puri was also present in the conference. He mentioned that no doubt Nizami Gyanjavi is a Persian poet. 

«Azerbaijan creates its false identity by appropriating the cultural properties of other nations»,-said Ibrahim Puri.

Professors Armanush Kozmoyan, Samvel Muradyan, Serzh Srapionyan, Garnik Asatryan, assistant Garnik Gevorgyan, as well as the head of the Institute of Literature of NAS RA Avik Isahakyan delivered their reports on the life and works of Nizami Gyanjavi during the conference. The reports will be published. 

Nizami Gyanjavi (1141-1209) was born  in Ganja. He is one of the greatest poets in Persian literature; he   brought a realistic style to the Persian epic. He is a national poet in Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan.