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 On the 27th of February 2010 Institute for Armenian Studies of YSU and "Association of Young University Colleagues" organized a procession towards Tsitsernakaberd to honour the day of memory of the massacre of the Armenians in Sumagit on  27-29 February 1988. This was organized and held by the authorities of Azerbaijan SSR. During this massacre thousands of armenians were tortured and became refugees. The participants of the pro­ces­sion were young stu­dents. Armenian mass media touched upon this event too. The spee­ches of the dean of the Faculty of History of YSU, Doctor of History, Professor Edik Mi­nasyan, the dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of YSU Candidate of Philology, As­so­ci­ate Professor Gourgen Melikyan and the dean of the Faculty of Sociology of YSU, Doctor of Philosophy Arthur Mkrtchyan were addressed to the young participants. They introduced the historical and political evets of Sum­gayit tragedy and condemned it.
