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On September 10, 2014 the annex of the Faculty of the Armenian Philology of YSU was unusually crowded. The 95th anniversary of the foundation of the Faculties of the Armenian Philology and History was celebrated.

In the lobby of the faculty the works of the renowned Armenian linguists, literary critics and historians were presented. Not only philologists and historians, but also the deans, academic and teaching staff, student representatives from the other faculties of YSU and alumni were among those presents. 

The event continued in the Main Hall of YSU where the Rector of YSU Aram Simonyan who is the graduate of the Faculty of History greeted and congratulated those presents.  Then he presented the difficulties  in the  way of foundation of YSU. 

“95 years ago the dream of our intellectuals, public and political figures came true –the University of Yerevan was founded the base of which was the Faculty of History and Linguistics”,-noted A. Simonyan. 

He mentioned the names of those who in that difficult period, i.e after the Genocide, famine and devastation,  found strength to unite for the sake of knowledge, language, history and preservation of the Armenian nation. The dean of the YSU Faculty of History Edik Minasyan and the dean of the Faculty of Philology Artsrun Minasyan congratulated those presents. They, in their turn, presented the work and contribution of their predecessors in the formation and development of the faculties. 

The President of RA Serzh Sargsyan was also present at the ceremonial meeting, who sent his congratulatory message on the 95th anniversary of the foundation of the faculties. For the contribution to the development of science and education, long-term and effective research and teaching activities the representatives of the academic and teaching staff were given RA State rewards and RA President notes of thanks. 

“Yerevan State University made an invaluable contribution to the revival of the Armenian people who survived the Genocide, to the establishment of the Armenian Socialist Republic and Republic of Armenia and many of you and your predecessors have your own contribution in it. Thank you all”, - said the president of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. 

