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 Jubilee meeting devoted to the 80th anniversary of the famous Armenologists in the Department of History of YSU

In February 25 a jubilee meeting took place devoted to the 80th anniversary of the famous historians Hovik Meliksetyan and Valter Diloyan in the Department of History of YSU. Many students of the faculty as well as friends of the historians were present at that meeting. YSU rector Aram Simonyan, the Dean of the faculty of History Edik Minasyan, the director of NAS RA Institute of History Ashot Melkonyan, the editor of the magazine “Banber Yerevani Hamalsarani” Hrachik Mirzoyan, the lecturers of the faculty of History told interesting and amusing stories connected with Mr. Giloyan and Mr. Meliksetyan, in which human noble qualities of these professors were reflected.

“As universitarians, they were devoted to lecturers. I was the student of Hovik Meliksetyan and worked with Valter Diloyan. They were destined to be lecturers. They were honest both with lecturers and students. They both remained as teachers, professors, as  good men”, - said Aram Simonyan.

The Dean of the faculty of History Edik Minasyan represented the biography and achievements of the historians. Then, in a friendly atmosphere, the rector and the professors remembered and told stories about Hovik Meliksetyan and Valter Diloyan. The memories were so impressive that at the end of the meeting, it seemed that the students who didn’t have the luck to be the pupils of Mr. Meliksetyan and Mr. Diloyan were personally familiar with the great professors.

"t’s a great pleasure that the Department of History remembered his famous professors. They were writing in such conditions, when it was difficult to write the truth. Without the historical strong school of 50-60-ies it would be impossible for us to write the modern history", - mentioned the director of NAS RA Institute of History Ashot Melkonyan.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor Valter Diloyan was born in 1930 on 17 of June in Nor Bayazet (now Gavar). In 1947 he entered the Faculty of International relations and graduated in 1953. In 1953-1954 he studied at the training courses of the professors of social sciences at Lomonosov State University of Moscow. In 1955-1961 he worked in GLAVLIT of USSR. In 1962 he returned to Yerevan and studied at postgraduate courses of the Institute of History of Academy of Sciences of SSR.

In 1963 V. Diloyan  defended his PhD thesis, and in 1974 his doctoral thesis. 1977 he was awarded the title of professor. 

From 1971 in the Institute of history of ASSR AS firstly as junior, then senior scientific worker. From 1971 he passed to the scientific and educational work running the Chair of the General History of Armenian Pedagogical Institute after Kh. Abovyan. In 1979 he moved to YSU and till 1998 he leaded the Chair of the General History, and then was a professor of the same Chair.

Diloyan is the author of more than 100 scientific articles, monographs, which are devoted to the different problems of the history of middle and new ages. They were published in Armenia as well as in abroad in Armenian, Russian and English.

Doctor of History, professor Hovik Meliksetyan was born in 1931 on January 15 in the village Shnogh of Tumanyan district. In 1949 he finished the secondary school, in 1954 the faculty of History of YSU. In the same year he entered post-graduate courses of ASSR AS in the Institute of History. In 1958 he worked in the Institute of History of ASSR AS.

In 1962 he defended his candidate thesis. In 1966 he was awarded the title of assistant professor. In 1963 worked as a lecturer in the faculty of History of YSU, first as a senior lecturer, then as an assistant professor. 

In 1986 H. Meliksetyan he defended doctoral thesis. In 1989 he was awarded the title of professor.

In 1988 he was the head of the Chair of the History of the people of USSR, and from 1992 till the end of life he was the head of the Chair of New and modern history of YSU.

With his scientific and public activity H. Melikyan contributed to the preservation of Armenians in Diaspora, made the Diaspora be involved in the life of the motherland.

