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Conference, dedicated to the 21st anniversary of Independence of Republic of Armenia,

was held on September 20. The theme of the conference was “The Ideology of Information security” and was organized by the Department of Strategic Studies of the IAS and “ArmSEC” Educational Center NGO.

The reporters tried to clarify national ideology and its role in the Information Security of Republic of Armenia.

The Rector of the YSU, the head of IAS, NAS RA Associate member Aram Simonyan in his opening speech emphasized the practical importance of such conferences. “Conferences often are limited by the publication of reporting materials. It is necessary that they have practical importance in certain field. I hope that there will be certain suggestions concerning National ideology and Information Security”,- said Aram Simonyan.

Speaking about the national ideology, the first reporter Gagik Harutunyan, the head of “Noravank Foundation” said that it is essential to distinguish between the notions “national ideology” and “national idea”. According to the reporter, the national idea is a strategic goal or major task which lies on the basis of national ideology. And the National ideology is a system of values, which aims at this or that phenomenon and it may change in time.

To ensure progress we should be able to correlate the national- conservative and universal ideologies,- noted Gagik Harutunyan.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Albert Nalchajyan said that each nation should not borrow the national ideology from others, but must create his own one based on the characteristics of the national mentality. “The part of the Armenian national ideology must be the unity of ethnic values. We have to take into account the peculiarities of national thinking,-noted Albert Nalchajyan. He suggests to think about the ethnic economy, i. e. to investigate which field of activities are typical for Armenians and develop these directions.

About the necessity of having national ideology from the point of Information Security and about the incomplete aspects of Information Security of RA spoke Doctor of Political Science,  the head of the Department of Applied Sociology Arthur Atanesyan

“National ideology has a specific instrumental importance from the point of information security. We have the idea in information war, but we do not have an effective strategy, while the opposite side has a diplomatic Logos. But has no idea”, said Arthur Atanesyan.

Spokesman of RA Minister of Defence, military expert Artsrun Hovhannisyan mentioned in his report that in many communities national ideology is viewed as unification against the enemy. <<Armenophobia is a national ideology in Azerbaijan. It seemed ridiculous for us that large amount of money was spent on it a few years ago. But nowadays it is a real threat>>,-said A. Hovhannisyan.

Artist, freedom fighter Mkrtich Tonoyan mentioned that we have to think how to be represented through art. National ideology should be built on national self-consciousness.

The last report was delivered by YSU IAS researcher, military expert David Jamalyan. He tried to clarify whether democracy and national ideology are reconcilable. <<If we want to have a national ideology, first of all we should understand that national ideology is also possible in democratic society. We must find out the synthesis of democracy and national ideology>>,-said David Jamalyan.

Reports were followed by the discussion that were on national ideology and the urgent problems concerning  Information Security of Republic of Armenia.

The conference was summed up by the speech of Deputy Director of IAS, Candidate of Historical Sciences Mher Hovhannisyan. He stressed the importance of making national values available to Armenian society. 

M. Hovhannisyan noted the steps taken by IAS in this field, as well as how to present them in electronic resources and struggle effectively against the possible falsifications. 

After the conference reports will be published and distributed to all libraries and organizations interested in this field.

