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  The presentation of the books “Armenians of Baku province in the second half of the 19th century” (in English) and “The history of the Armenians in Baku” (in Armenian) by the Candidate of Historical Sciences Gevorg Stepanyan took place on February 27. The author noted in his speech that the theme of Baku is very close to his heart, as his family survived Baku genocide in 1918. 

“My grandmother and grandfather lived in Baku in those days. My grandmother left for Persia by sea and my grandfather was one of the last to leave Baku and came back 9 months later. When I asked why they came back, grandfather answered “How could I not return my home”,-said Gevorg Stepanyan. 

The RA Minister of Diaspora Affaires Hranush Hakobyan and RA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Shavarsh Kocharyan were present at the presentation. 

Greeting those presents RA Minister of Diaspora Affaires  Hranush Hakobyan noted that in recent years the Ministry of Diaspora along with NAS RA and other research institutes make investigations on the issues of Armenian Diaspora. 

“We try to present the true story to the civilized world through the book “Armenians of Baku province in the second half of the 19th century” which is in English language. As Azerbaijani propaganda implement anti-Armenian policy. The day of the presentation is not randomly chosen, as in those days, in 1988 the massacres in Sumgayit took place, which hasn’t properly been evaluated by the international community yet.”,-said Hranush Hakobyan. 

According to Shavarsh Kocharyan the truth must be propagandized for people not to become the slaves of the lie. 

“The publication of the book by Aylisli came to confirm once more the essence of our neighbors. The book that propagandized peace building became the reason for heated reaction in Azerbaijan”,-said Shavarsh Koharyan.  

The head and the Associate Member of NAS RA Ashot Melkonyan spoke about the historical aspect of the issue and emphasized the fact that the balance in the field of propaganda is restoring. 

“We are given an opportunity to get acquainted with the history of Baku through this book. The whole demographic profile till the second half of the 19th century is presented in the book. Armenians made vast contribution in the development and construction of Baku”, -noted Ashot Melkonyan. 

Historian, NAS RA Academician Vladimir Barkhudaryan, NAS RA Associate Member Aleksandr Minasyan, the head of the National Achieve of RA Amatuni Virabyan, the head of the military department, Colonel General Miqayel Harutyunyan, editor of the book, Candidate of Historical Sciences Emma Kostanyan, as well as the editor of the English translation, Candidate of Historical Sciences Eduard Danielyan were present at the presentation. 

