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The conference with the topic "Islamic revolution of Iran in comparative context" held in YSU on February 16 was devoted to the anniversary of Islamic revolution in Iran, which was organized by YSU and Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Specialists from YSU, as well as analysts from National Academy of Sciences of RA, from Armenian center of strategic and national surveys in their speeches spoke about the civilization, the importance of this historical event, as well as about the relations of Iran and Armenia. 

The analyses about Islamic revolution of Iran which have political importance in general context is very few in our reality. We, as historians, politicians, specialists of International relations, are interested not only in the ideological basis of that event, but also in the results.  There are revolutions which are simply cataclysms. And Iran had many achievements after Islamic revolution and has a great role in Middle East having not only the heritage of the past but also being the bearer of new ideas,-said rector Aram Simonyan.
Iranian ambassador in Armenia  Seyed Ali Saghayian mentioned in his speech that the calls of the leader of Islamic revolution Imam Khomeym  were directed to the suffered nations of the world, but not to a representative of a particular nation, although the center was Iran.
One of the peculiarities of this revolution was that it was not planned by revolutionary leaders or by armed forces. 
The leader was one of the greatest figures of islam, and the center was the human,- said Seyed Ali Saghayian. 
Islamic revolution showed that religion can give simple answers to the main questions of humanity. "It was not only political and social, but also moral revolution",-mentioned in his speech the head of the department of Iran of the Institute of Oriental studies of NAS RA Vahan Bayburdyan.  
Referring to the relations of Iran-Armenia the head of the Armenian center of Strategic and International studies Richard Kirakosyan mentioned in his speech that both Republic of Armenia which is a unique intermediary between the West and Iran, and Islamic Republic of Iran have conflictive neighbors but both of them are peaceful and are against war. 
Islamic revolution in Iran took place in 1979 with the leadership of Khomeyn.
As a result the monarchy failed and Islamic Republic was established. Iran is one of the most mechanically developed countries in the Southern Caucasus and Islamic world with resources of natural gas and oil.
